Ten Bloomsbury Square: Introduction



The origins of this whimsical tale began in Los Angeles, at our house on Cherokee Lane, in the early 1980’s.

Each week we would host a writers’ group in a space we created and named The Free Theatre. It consisted of a stable of writers who would present a few scenes from their works-in-progress each week. In addition, we attracted a regular group of wonderful actors who gave their time to read the various roles. Afterwards, there always followed a lively discussion, following which the work would be edited for reading the following week.

Bloomsbury began as a play in progress. Our daughter and two of her friends from down the hill were conscripted to read the roles of the children in the play, and they were wonderful.

Much later, in Hawaii, Gardner re-wrote the play in novella format. Later still, it was recorded for his weekly radio show on HPR, Stories on the Wind. The wonderful and talented English actor, Terrence Knapp, joined Gardner in reading the newer, prose version on the air.

Ten Bloomsbury Square is a story well suited for older children and adults who are seeking a bit of respite from this cynical world we live in.


Madeleine McKay

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