6 thoughts on “Audio: Journey Without a Map

  1. Still reading Journal Without a Map, random chapters, over and over. Enjoying it still like a good movie that you watch again and again and keep picking up new things each time. So sad that this man has passed away and won’t ever get a chance to meet him, discuss anything he wrote, or express appreciation for his work. He left a great legacy though, thank heavens, and I am so grateful he wrote so prolifically. It continues to be a treat.

  2. What a vivid, almost poetic recounting of an extraordinary life!
    I want to thank James W. Buffett for sharing the fact of his getting to know one of our boyhood heroes.
    And, also thank “Jimmy” for penning the forward to this remarkable account of a life that influenced and inspired so many of my generation. A perfect foreword for a perfectly written account of an incredible life’s journey.

    • Hello Tom,
      Thank you for your kind words on Gardner, Jimmy and the book. I hope to have Gardner’s next novel Trompe L’Oeil ready for publication soon.

      • Madeline,
        May I inquire of you if the motion picture rights to “Journey Without A Map” are available? Please reply in private to tom@tomnocera.com
        Thank you. I have posted earlier this day my review on the Amazon website and also made the recommendation on the http://www.galtsgultch.com website.
        I envision Gardner’s book to be a captivating motion picture. I wonder if Jimmy Buffett might be interested in joining in undertaking this project?

        Thank you.

  3. Madeleine,

    What a life he led! So much searching for something, anything, everything. A lot of people would have given up the search and settled. But it seems that he never did, at least not until he found you, his beloved Madeleine. And then he was not settling. I can’t imagine the loss you feel.

    I have read “Journey Without A Map” and continue to re-read some chapters over and over. Some chapters have helped me to see more clearly and come to accept times in my past that have left me feeling unloved, unwanted or unable to deal with society on it’s terms. It’s OK, some of us just definitely have to travel to the beat of a different drum.

    Gardner’s honesty and poignant reflections on his life give us the story of a man who could not follow the pack. He was an extraordinary man, sensitive, artistic and true to himself. He lived an extraordinary life. Some say, just think what he could have accomplished if he’d had a goal (ie: a map), probably not near as much as he did. A goal, a plan, a map could limit the man. Without a map or plan or goal, there is always the next adventure, the next island, the next story, the search continues.

    Thank you so much Madeleine for bringing Gardner’s memoirs to print for all of us to enjoy.

    May Gardner forever enjoy Fair Winds and Following Seas. 🙂


  4. Aloha Sue,

    Thank you very much for your kind words on Gardner and on his work. I so appreciate it. Indeed, Gardner was an extraordinary man and I was so very lucky to have been chosen to spend those decades with him. I shall never get over the loss, he was a rare, kind and generous soul.

    It is most important that I get his unpublished word out to the public. He lived for his writing and the work speaks for itself, he just ran out of time.

    If you would be so kind, would you post a brief note on the book on Amazon? Word of mouth and the reviews are my only way to promote his work.

    Many thanks for taking the time to write to me.

    Mahalo nui loa,


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