7 thoughts on “Audio: Trompe L’Oeil: A Trick of the Eye

  1. Ah, Madeleine, what a treat to hear an author who can actually read his words in a manner that makes you want to hear more rather than excuse yourself from the room for an important meeting in a secret location…:-)

    And how eerie to hear him again after all these years.

    And how strange that a simple audio recording of a friend could affect me like that. But it does, nonetheless…

    • Aloha Richard,

      I was thrilled that the long lost tapes of the book were found and that I could edit and share a clip for the website.

      Almost ready to publish the book!


  2. Dear Madeleine,
    What a delightful message to find that a date has been set for the release of “Trompe L’oeil”. I was so surprised and mesmerized when Gardner’s voice spoke to me. This is truly going to be a wonderful book! Thank you for your work and perseverance in bringing us another book to enjoy.

  3. Dear Madeleine,
    What a delightful discovery that a date has finally been set for the release of “Trompe L’oeil”. I was both surprised and mesmerized to hear Gardner reading his own work. This is going to be a very fine book! Thank you for the hard work and perseverance you’ve put in to making it all possible.

    • Hello Lynn,
      Thank you for your kind comments. I was glad to be able to post an audio clip to the website so one can hear Gardner’s voice reading a chapter from this book.
      Come what may, I plan to publish Trompe L’Oeil by September. The book is currently being submitted for larger publication.

      In the interim I hope to self-publish a novella “10 Bloomsbury Square” within the next few months.


  4. Dear Madeleine,

    What a joy to hear Gardner’s voice reading his words as they were meant to be read. His voice is so fluid, the voice of the ultimate storyteller. A voice that pulls you into the story as if Gardner is sitting there with you and telling the story directly to you!

    I just recently purchased “Trompe L’oeil” and “10 Bloomsbury Square”. I read “Bloomsbury” first and was thoroughly entertained. I started reading “Trompe” yesterday and I am only 1/4 of the way through it, but Gardner has drawn me into the story so that I feel that I am Simon. Just now listening to the audio clip I became totally mesmerized by Gardner’s voice. Is there any chance in the future that you will release the tapes of Gardner reading the entire book?

    Quite some time ago I read, “Journey Without A Map”. Actually, I have read it many times. After having a mental crisis of sorts, I have found many passages from Gardner’s memoir to be extremely enlightening and motivating and some passages are just funny enough to bring me out of the blue funk that I fall into.

    I admire the love, dedication and perseverance that you have put into Gardner’s writing so that the rest of may enjoy his writing too. What a loss that this wonderfully talented man was taken from this world way too early.

    Bless you 🙂

    • Aloha Sue,

      Thank you very much for your kind comments on Gardner’s work. Thank you too for purchasing his books. Alas, the recorded tapes most likely will not be released as an audio book. The book was read in weekly excerpts on his radio show “Stories on the Wind” on Hawaii Public Radio at the time that he was writing and editing it. The tapes were lost for several years and only resurfaced a year ago. There are still two episodes that are missing form the recorded version. Also, it would have been an abridged version of the printed copy as is.

      Thank you too for your kind remarks on my efforts to bring Gardner’s work out to the public. I have always believed in his work. I believe the work speaks for itself…he just ran out of time…so it is important to me to try to make as much of his unpublished works available before my demise. My only resource is through word of mouth and reviews on Amazon. Would you be so kind as to post a review on Amazon? It can be as brief as you wish.

      Mahalo nui loa,


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